Minggu, 26 Agustus 2012

Cara Daftar Profitclicking

Cara Daftar Profitclicking - Berikut langkah untuk mendaftar di www.profitclicking.com

1. Klik gambar di bawah ini untuk mengunjungi website profitclicking.com

Klik disini

2. Setelah itu akan muncul halaman berikut. Perhatikan nama sponsor anda (wajib ada sponsor), Welcome, guest of ***** (nama sponsor anda)


3. Pastikan nama sponsor adalah seseorang yang memperkenalkan anda dengan bisnis ini. Lalu klik tombol JOIN lalu muncul halaman berikut:


4. Scroll ke bawah hingga menemukan form pendaftaran berikut

5. Isikan data-data anda yang sebenarnya:
First name -> diisi nama depan anda
Last name -> diisi nama belakang anda
E-mail -> diisi alamat email anda (harus valid)
Confirm E-mail -> ketik ulang email anda
Password -> isikan password anda
Confirm Password -> ketik ulang password anda
Account Security PIN-Code -> isikan kode keamanan anda, bebas antara 4 - 6 angka
Confirm Account Security PIN-Code -> ketik ulang kode keamanan anda
Referring Affiliate -> adalah nama sponsor anda (wajib ada)

Setelah terisi semua, klik tombol I AGREE, maka akan muncul tanda cek di sebelah tombol I AGREE, setelah itu klik tombol JOIN NOW
Anda telah sukses terdaftar...

Langkah selanjutnya adalah mengecek email anda, silahkan login ke email anda, lalu cari di folder SPAM email yang berasal dari profitclicking

Buka email tersebut

Klik tautan yang ada, dan ingat ID anda untuk login di profitclicking.com

Selesai, akun anda telah terdaftar dan terverifikasi

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

How to activate a blog

You've added your blog. However, before writing paid posts, you must activate it first. We need this to evaluate the popularity of your blog and calculate the size of the bonus, which will be credited to your account. To do this, we suggest you to write in your blog about LinkFromBlog marketplace and temporarily set somewhere (in the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the post) our invisible or visible counter. Do not put this counter on the pages that are not relevant to this post, in the footer or header. We need to know how many real people read about us, not just visit your blog. So, in order to activate your blog, write a post, include in it one of our visible or invisible counter codes and also our affiliate link or banner. If you use the visible counter in the post, then the affiliate link (or banner) is unrequired. If you do not want to write in your blog about us, you can just add a counter code in the last post and remove it after activation is done, but in this case you don't receive your bonus.
Buy blog reviews